This isn’t a post about politics. It’s about how I am seeing a really ugly side to the way we are dealing with politics in Ireland. I am not political in any way. I couldn’t be a politician. However, in the last few weeks, any aspirations I might have had deep down somewhere in my […]
Author: simon
Yesterday, I was at a conference and at the end the organisers wanted to take a video of us. Luckily, I knew what was about to happen as I’d seen the meet and greet team dancing while a phone recorded their movements. I often make promises to myself, which I try to keep as best […]
Shortlists for Literary Competitions 2014 Announced |
Shortlists for Literary Competitions 2014 Announced | I got shortlisted for the Poetry Collection competition for Listowel Writers’ Week. A possible peak to my writing career thus far.
This is the first time my name has been stencilled onto a window.
I was delighted to be asked to speak at Voicebox in Carlow’s excellent venue, the GB Shaw Theatre, about my work in Carlow Educate Together NS.
My first ever meeting with fowls. After convening, the chickens declared me to be mostly harmless.
Poet’s Corner Café, Kinsale. If I were to open a café, this would be the type I’d open.
Featuring at Carlow Arts Festival
Featuring at Carlow Arts Festival I am a member of the Carlow Writers’ Cooperative and we have been working with John McKenna over the last while. We’re going to be doing a few readings in the coming months. One of them will be a live recording during the Carlow Arts Festival and will be played […]
Silver Apples Magazine Issue 1 – Modern Mythology
Silver Apples Magazine Issue 1 – Modern Mythology Just heard that I got featured in this magazine today! Hooray! I like the idea of this Pay What You Want plan. If you’d like to pre-order a copy of the magazine and read my poem, “I was your Golem”, that would be great! Can’t wait for […]
5k in 20 mins 25 seconds. Came 6th. The guy who came first isn’t in the photo. He was already at home, showered and eating his lunch.