Michael Farry: Boyne Berries 15 Launch My poem gets a mention in this blog post
Author: simon
10K race in Carlow today where I set a new PB of 42m57s. A local councillor took a video of the start of the race.
I liked this sign in this shop in Wexford (apart from the punctuation)
interview with simon lewis
interview with simon lewis My interview at CESI Conference 2014 with Youth Media Team. The CESI conference is an educational technology conference. #voxpop #cesicon
I wrote a poem about this guy so thought I’d sit beside him for a photo op. I’ll probably publish the poem when confidence allows it.
Usually people like adding unnecessary apostrophes. Not Cadbury’s: they leave them out when they are necessary.
wordlegs.com – Issue 17: Spring ’14
wordlegs.com – Issue 17: Spring ’14 Wordlegs Magazine is out with lots of poems and other writing
All Superquinns turned to Supervalus on Thursday. I got invited to the unveiling of the one in Carlow. It was the day I realised that I finally had made it. [Image source: http://www.wearebrandsocial.com/]
Voice Box at VISUAL – The George Bernard Shaw Theatre Carlow
Voice Box at VISUAL – The George Bernard Shaw Theatre Carlow Something I’ll be speaking at in May that has nothing to do with technology or writing but I’ll probably mention both.
A Short Review of 12 Years a Slave. Almost everything you need to know about this film is in the title. There was a rich man who got tricked into slavery, was a slave for 12 years and then was free again. Apart from that, there are some scenes where he and other characters get […]