I was both excited and apprehensive about going to the Blur gig, a similar feeling I had a couple of years ago at the Electric picnic when Pulp were playing. The last time I had seen Pulp, I was in my teens and I could relate to every word of Common People. However, in my […]

I’m often reminded of this great slam-poem by Taylor Mali – What Teachers Make and now it’s been made into an illustrated comic strip: http://zenpencils.com/comic/124-taylor-mali-what-teachers-make/ (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)

My friend, Derek, has a great new blog where he’s putting out some of his poetry and thoughts on where it all comes from. His Hopper poems explore America during Hopper’s time. Here’s an example of one of his poems based on one of his paintings. derekcoylepoet: Early Sunday Morning (after Edward Hopper)   Any […]