The lengths that companies will go to not get sued. I wonder what would happen if I bought another bottle of Volvic and poured it into an empty bottle of Volvic and got sick, would they be covered?
Author: simon
Literary Festival |
Literary Festival | This is where I’ll be for the next week. Workshopping in poetry with Ruth Padel. It all kicks off in the morning.
The birth of acupuncture?
FLASH MOB 2013 The International Flash Fiction Day Competition
My first ever godless ceremony as part of the Festival of Writing and Ideas in Borris House. It was held in the chapel in the grounds and was a fun experience. There was singing, storytelling, poetry and a general feel-good factor. The organisers want to set something up every week in Ireland and lots of […]
I can’t think of a witty caption for this photo but there’s one out there in the etherverse…
I’m not sure if it’s legal to fall in love with a village but Inistioge is easily the nicest place in Ireland that I’ve ever been.
Dawson Street has a new yummy coffee shop. This is its coffee. Also pictured is a Dublin City Council Bin and Rozz’s hand.
It does look like Hitler!
The veggie option at a recent event I went to. Usually it’s the fish.