My friend, Derek, has a great new blog where he’s putting out some of his poetry and thoughts on where it all comes from. His Hopper poems explore America during Hopper’s time. Here’s an example of one of his poems based on one of his paintings.
Early Sunday Morning
(after Edward Hopper)
Any dork can see this street
is a decent place for business.
Butchers, barbers, grocers
open shop fronts
to black and white, yellow and red,
gawking, walking, talking,
be it shop-talk, news-talk,
small-talk, just let it be
rumours of the best mutton,
lamb roast, crew cut, blow dry,
not sit-down strikes and pickets.
Silence is a blue sky, red brick,
blinds drawn down,
no time is a good time
to look at how things stand.
Derek Coyle