As many poets know, there’s not a lot of money to be made in the art so when one receives the gift of travel expenses or a reading fee, it is really appreciated. In general, I have been treated well by the events and festivals where I have read. I am delighted that I have been awarded a travel and accommodation grant by Culture Ireland for my trip to the UK for Jewish Book Week in February. It is wonderful that the Irish government see value in sending Irish people abroad to promote their work. I feel I am not going to the event as an individual but more of a representative of my country. I don’t get that feeling very often and usually it’s isolated to soccer matches but it isn’t a bad feeling to have.
Support from Culture Ireland

I’m delighted that you are feeling so upbeat about your trip and of course you will represent us so well that Culture Ireland will be well recompensed for their outlay. It’s great to learn about something like your trip and know that part of our culture is in such capable hands – you’ll wow them Simon – good luck and hopefully you’ll get many more opportunities to “show – off” our Irish talent.
Thanks for the lovely comment, Betty. I appreciate that very much.