From Monday 4th April, my school is having an Art Week. Over the last couple of years, we’ve asked the children to do a drawing in a special sketchpad during this week. Each year, they draw one picture and when they leave school, they will have a book of 8 drawings displaying their progress in art over their time in primary school!
This year, we’d like to add a digital element to our proceedings and we’d love for other schools to join in.
Thanks to my Twitter buddies @fboss and @seomraranga (also @mrquinnsclass) we’ve come up with some ideas.
Playing with Art Online
We’re going to be exploring some interesting web sites that let you paint like a famous artist.
A Digital Art Gallery
Using whatever digital art package you have (Paint, Art Rage, etc.), we’d like you to upload your piece of art to a shared Flickr page. If you email with your school name, I’ll send you the password to access it. To see the images (there won’t be any until next week), go to
iPod Art
Damien Quinn’s class are famous for their great use of iPod Touches in the classroom. Damien’s class are going to be using all sorts of Art Apps throughout the project. If you have an iPod Touch, why not share your digital art with us on our Flickr page?
A Twitter Stream
We’re going to be talking Art so join in the conversation by using the hashtag #tap2011. tap2011 stands for Twitter Art Project 2011. If you need help signing up to Twitter, email me and I’ll try and help.
Art Quiz
Fred Boss, from the NCTE, is an art teacher and he’ll be getting some help from @Leo_the_V in asking some fiendishly difficult art quizzes. There are 12 questions in all to follow on Twitter and every time you solve one you can add it to where you’ll get a piece of an Art Puzzle. Collect all 12 and see if you can answer the final question of the Twitter Art Treasure Hunt 2011. Don’t forget to follow @Leo_the_V and the hashtag #tap2011 over the next few days to get all of the clues.