History is history. (This photo may be useful for anyone who is in a country where their government are trying to cut this subject from their curriculum *clears throat*)
A second queen visit to my blog in the space of a few minutes.
My favourite photo from the bit where the countries walk around the track at the opening ceremony of the Olympics.
I knew it! Seán’s about to become old in future text messages
Providing cake to the Bantry writers was a worthwhile bribe
Bantry festival 2013?
Me reading at the Open Mic session in Bantry last night. I read three poems I had written. Despite the photographic evidence, there really were some people there!
I’m here for a few days at a literary festival. The good people of the town have erected this sign in case I forget where I am or what year it is.
How to take care of a baby.
Is this the way they say the future’s meant to feel? The field at Stone Roses. God help the fans of Snow Patrol on Sunday!