MJ Clay arrived in Carlow with a bang reading his poetry and playing tunes on the harmonica. MJ Clay is the editor of Mad Swirl ezine, the oldest online poetry magazine in America. Thanks to Gene Barry and Mick Corrigan for making it happen.
Borris House Festival of Writing and Ideas
The Borris House Festival of Writing and Ideas took place this weekend and we went along on the Sunday, which for the 4th year in a row was sunny and dry. It This year it incorporated the History Festival of Ireland so there was a lot more history and a lot less literature. However, many […]
Where were you on 23rd May 2015?
Where were you on 23rd May 2015? I had one of busiest but proudest days as an Irishman. It started in Portlaoise at Educate Together’s AGM where I gave a short talk with another principal in social media in our schools. After my voting the day before, it was to more voting at the AGM. […]
Poetry Ireland Introductions Series
Last night I took part in the Poetry Ireland Introductions Series. I read six poems from my collection, Jewtown. A fantastic evening with four other excellent poets: Eamon McGhoira, Jennifer Matthews, Julie Morrissey and Michael Naghtan Shanks.
Featured in the INTO InTouch Magazine
Featured in the INTO teacher union magazine with Enda Wyley (she must be thinking, “Who?”)
RTE Poetry Programme
Screengrab from the RTE Poetry Programme web site this week. My knowledge of technology isn’t good enough to upload the audio of my interview but you might be able to stream it. The date of the programme is 16th May 2015.
Interview with RTE Radio 1
A big thanks to Poetry Ireland for asking me to come to RTE this evening to talk about the upcoming Poetry Introductions Series next week. I spoke to Rick O’Shea about how I got involved and I was also given the opportunity to read my poem, The Zoo.
Colm Scully Launch
Colm Scully is having the Dublin launch of is poetry collection “What News, Centurions?” from Newbinarypress.com on Monday May 4th in The Workman’s Club, Wellington Quay. It’s at 7pm and we have loads of guest readers. Erin Fornoff, Angela Carr, Fióna Bolger and Anne Tannam (In Tandem), Sue Cosgrave (Short story writer from Cork), Rab […]
Jewtown Reading
On Tuesday 19th May at 7pm in the Irish Writers Centre, I’ll be reading some of my poems from “Jewtown” as part of the Poetry Introductions series from Poetry Ireland / Éigse Éireann. It will be part of the International Literature Festival Dublin and I’ll be on with Éamon Mag Uidhir, Jennifer Matthews, Julie Morrissy […]
Reading in Visual
Rozz reading at our recent event in Visual accompanied by Martin Sipos on piano. I read 4 poems from Jewtown including one newer one, “Foot”