I am also delighted and excited to read this announcement from Doire Press! I’m lucky to be one of five writers to be published in 2016 by this fantastic publishing house. I shall write more about this when I have calmed down!
Author: simon
Mary and Joseph living in Jewtown?
When you hear the names, Mary and Joseph, they aren’t names you’d probably associate with a Jewish couple. However, according to the 1901 census, there were 6 Jewish women called Mary in Cork. Joseph is a more common Hebrew name (Yosef) so it isn’t that surprising to find 18 of them in Cork. Mary and […]
Stone Dress
Finally getting around to reading Shirley McClure’s excellent second collection, Stone Dress. Really enjoying the poems and how she is able to make such serious sensitive subjects with a great sense of humour and purpose.
Reading in Visual: A response to Yeats
Visual is such a nice venue to do a reading. I read as part of a response to Yeats last night along with members of the Carlow Writers’ Cooperative.
Published in Stony Thursday
I was delighted to see my poem, Kilroy, featuring in this beautiful journal. Kilroy You have battled many faceplants before crawling, another victory; now you march on and reach a hand to the edge of the coffee table, steady before the quivered jolt of hand number two, press your fingers down and rest your […]
Publication: Palette
Delighted to have a poem, Palette, published in Spontaneity magazine
Grace Wells Celebration Party
A very enjoyable evening at Grace Wells’ celebration party and launch of her new collection, Fur.
Poetry: The Irish Edition
Very much enjoying Irish edition of Poetry. There are some fantastic poets in there with some new and old faces. The first poem is a particular highlight for me.
Red Line Poetry Prizegiving
Tonight was the prizegiving at the Red Line Book Festival’s poetry competition. I read my entry, Birthmark. Although I wasn’t one of the winners, it was great to meet lots of familiar faces. The winner Jean Robertson was also a runner-up in the Patrick Kavanagh award.
Double Shot Poetry Reading
It was brilliant to be asked to read at the Double Shot poetry evening supporting Mary Madec and Kevin Higgins. Sadly Kevin couldn’t make it due to illness so Dave Lorden and Karl Parkinson read a few of his poems. There was a big crowd of over 50 people and it was really nice to […]