Here’s an interview I did with Double Shot Poetry before my reading: Double Shot | Poetry Readings & Events in Dublin, Ireland I’ve also pasted it below in case the web site goes down! —- Carlow-based poet, Simon Lewis, winner of the 2015 Hennessey New Irish Writing Emerging Poet award, is reading alongside Kevin Higgins and Mary Madec, at the […]
Author: simon
Published: Literary Orphans
Very pleased to have a poem published in this month’s Literary Orphans magazine. Read it here:
My own link to Jewtown
Some people have asked me if I have any connection to the Lithuanian Jews that came to Cork City and, specifically, Jewtown. I probably have a number of leads but the most straightforward one that I know of is my great grandmother, Esther Cristol, who was a playwright. The above is a simplified sketch of […]
Double Shot
I’ll be reading some poems in Dublin on the 14th October in Books Upstairs as part of Double Shot. I’ll be supporting Mary Madec and Kevin Higgins and I’m honoured to have been asked. Please come along if you can.
A Few Shots of Iniskeen
I had a nice time up in Iniskeen for the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Prize. Here are some shots of the village.
Walking through Iniskeen
Rozz took this photograph of the Patrick Kavanagh Prize winner, John Mee and me walking through Iniskeen. I thought it was worth a post in itself!
Reading in the Patrick Kavanagh Centre
As part of the Patrick Kavanagh Weekend, I was lucky to read with the winner and other prize-winners at the Patrick Kavanagh Centre. I read a few poems from Jewtown.
Results of Patrick Kavanagh Award 2015
Here is the press release with the winners, runners-up and shortlisted in the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award 2015. I seem to have tricked them into thinking I’m from Cork. Results of Patrick Kavanagh Award 2015 In case the above gets deleted, here is the text below: The winner of this year’s Patrick Kavanagh Award for […]
Winners of Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Prize
Delighted to be a runner-up in this year’s Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Prize. The winner was John Mee from Cork, second from the left in the front row. The joint runners up were Jane Robertson, Liza Costello, Rosamund Taylor and me. At the back are Larry McDermott, MC; Brian Lynch, President of the Patrick Kavanagh Society and […]
Shortlisted in Red Line
Delighted to find myself in the shortlist for the Red Line Book Festival Competition for the second year running. One of my newer poems, Birthmark, was chosen. The judge for the competition is Enda Wyley. The last time we appeared on the same page was in a teacher union magazine last year. Best of luck […]