It was lovely to get a mention in the Irish Times today from Ciaran Carty in his article about the Hennessy Awards. He also gave a bit of a plug to my book, which was a nice bonus! I can’t believe it’s already a year since I won the poetry section of the Hennessy Awards and it’s […]
To Trouble the Living Stream: Reading
I was delighted to be back in Visual Carlow with the Carlow Writers’ Cooperative for this poetry reading. I read a few newer poems about Irish male identity. I have been very busy with edits to Jewtown as well as work stuff so I haven’t had much of a chance to attend the group. It was […]
Who is the Irish Man?
I’m trying to write some new material, which was kicked off from a discussion in my local writing group a few months ago. Our group were lucky to be joined by Pat Parks, an American professor, who worked with us on a project inspired by W. B. Yeats. On our first session, Pat simply asked […]
Lost and found
It’s amazing what props up in proper book shops. I found this collection by David Marcus, a second generation of Jewtown and best known for his work in the Irish Literary scene. This book was in Chapters in Parnell Square in Dublin and was published by New Island in 2007.
A poetic place
When the weather is good, there’s no better place for poetic inspiration than the bogs and strands of Co. Mayo. What a way to spend World Poetry Day.
Editing is a necessary job for any writer. I was given a tip to print out and lay out all my work on the floor and go through it by someone a few years ago. Tonight, my job was to kill some of my babies and eight poems have been given the chop. I found […]
Meeting Isaac Sandler
One of my poems in Jewtown is called, Meeting Isaac Sandler, but who was he? According to the 1901 census, there were 2 Isaac Sandlers in Ireland, both living in Cork. One lived in the Hibernian Buildings and the other lived around the corner in Elizabeth Terrace. The one I refer to in the poem […]
Shine/Strong Award
I was delighted to have been able to go and see the Shine/Strong Awards ceremony at the dlr Mountains to Sea festival today. The winner was Breda Wall Ryan from Doire Press. Here are some blurry photos from the back row of the theatre.
Mountains to Sea Festival
I’m looking forward to the Mountains to Sea Festival. I’ll be mainly on baby-minding duty as Rozz is going to a workshop with Colm Keegan but will be attending one event myself: the Shine/Strong Award. The three books nominated for the award are In a Hare’s Eye by Breda Wall Ryan, The Riddle of Waterfalls by Madelaine […]
Sarah and Jane Hodes
The poem, Two Sisters, started its life as a reimagination of the members of the household, 88 Hibernian Buildings. The head of the household was Sarah Hodes, a 24 year old woman. She lived with her two sisters, Jane (aged 17) and Annie (aged 8). There were also two boarders living in the house, Michael […]