At a market in Manchester, this former actor is now selling cheese. He is right that I had no idea he now made cheese. However, I never knew what he did before that either. My sources inform me he was Gail Platt’s husband in Coronation Street. I presume this is a fate worse than making […]

I think it’s time I admit that I suffer from a rare disability.  I’m not sure if there’s a medical term for it but I call it 3DDD, 3D Deficit Disorder.  In other words, I cannot see 3D images in films.  While everyone is oohing and aahing at all those things “flying” in their faces, […]

Last night I sat down and watched Red or Black for the first time.  In my defence, I was in someone else’s house and they were watching it.  There’s only so many times you can go to the bathroom to escape something before people think you have problems.  As TV shows go, this show must […]